Hovaz Reserve Red Dry Wine 750ml


The trademark HOVAZ (Leopard) symbolizes the idea of sustainable winemaking in Armenia. The winemakers, a group of young enthusiasts, aim to preserve the land and the environment for the future generations.

This wine is made from indigenous grape variety Areni Noir, grown in Vayots Dzor region, and aged for 12 months in Caucasian oak barrels. Dark ruby red in color, this wine has balanced flavor and pleasing mouthfeel. Expect delicate aromas of cherry, vanilla, smooth tannins followed by lengthy finish.

The trademark HOVAZ (Leopard) symbolizes the idea of sustainable winemaking in Armenia. The winemakers, a group of young enthusiasts, aim to preserve the land and the environment for the future generations.

This wine is made from indigenous grape variety Areni Noir, grown in Vayots Dzor region, and aged for 12 months in Caucasian oak barrels. Dark ruby red in color, this wine has balanced flavor and pleasing mouthfeel. Expect delicate aromas of cherry, vanilla, smooth tannins followed by lengthy finish.

Winery` Hovaz
Region` Vayots Dzor


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